

Studying A226: Exploring Art and Visual Culture with the Open University

I’m a History and Art History student working towards a BA with the Open University. Today I’m going to share my experience of studying A226: Exploring Art and Visual Culture. This is a slightly weird post in some ways, as I studied this during its final presentation. My aim with these posts is to give students thinking of taking a module an idea of what to expect. However, I like the idea of having a record of each of my...

Studying A223: Early modern Europe with the Open University

I’m studying towards a BA in History and Art History with the Open University. As we move into the new academic year, I’m catching up on my thoughts on my previous modules. Today I’m sharing my experience of studying A223: Early modern Europe: society and culture c.1500-1780, a level two History module.  As this is a post about a level two module, I won’t go into detail about more general aspects of OU study. If you’re interested in that, you...

Can you Study Full Time with the Open University?

When people think about the Open University, they often think of people studying part time around their jobs. However, it’s becoming increasingly common for people to study full time with the Open University. Today, I wanted to share my experience of full time study as an Open University student. I’ve now studied levels one and two at full time intensity. At level one, I spent most of the year (September to January) studying while working 28 hours per week, but...